Thomas Heise, Ph.D.

thomas heise
Associate Professor, American Studies
Associate Professor, English
Penn State Abington
1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001
The Gentrification Book Image

Heise教授是一位作家和学者,他的工作是探索记忆问题, urban culture, 以及二十世纪和二十一世纪的美国文学.  

He is the author of four books: 中产阶级化情节:纽约与后工业犯罪小说 (Columbia University Press, 2022) which is part of the Literature Now series; the lyrical novel Moth (Sarabande, 2013) which was a Publishers Weekly “最佳新书”和“年度图书奖”前言入围; Urban Underworlds: 20世纪美国文学与文化地理学 (Rutgers University Press, 2011), which is part of the American Literatures Initiative; and the volume Horror Vacui: Poems (萨拉班德,2006),他的标题诗获得了墨西哥湾沿岸诗歌奖. 他的创造性和学术性的著作发表在 Chicago Review, Ploughshares, The Brooklyn Rail, The Missouri Review, American Literary History, Modern Fiction Studies, African American Review, and elsewhere. 

海斯教授曾两次获得麦克道尔大学的奖学金, 以及弗吉尼亚创意艺术中心和伦辛中心的奖学金. 他也是罗马美国学院的访问学者. 他的写作和研究得到了几笔赠款的支持, 包括瑞尔森创意基金和Le Fonds de recherche du quacemobe - sociacemotre et culture. 在加入阿宾顿学院之前,他是麦吉尔大学的终身副教授.  

Moth Book Image
urban underworld book cover


中产阶级化情节:纽约与后工业犯罪小说. Literature Now series. Columbia University Press, 2021. 1-300.

See Amazon link.

Moth; or how I came to be with you again. Sarabande Books, 2013.1-176.

See Amazon link.

城市地下世界:20世纪美国文学和文化的地理. American Literatures Initiative. Rutgers University Press, 2011. 1-292.

See Amazon link.

Horror Vacui: Poems. Sarabande Books, 2006. 1-84.

See Amazon link.

Scholarly Essays, Book Chapters

《书写贫民窟,创造贫民窟.” 美国文学和文化中的城市. Ed. Kevin McNamara. (剑桥大学出版社,2021年出版). 70-84.

侦探小说中的时间与空间.” 劳特利奇犯罪小说指南. Ed. Janice Allan, Jesper Gulddal, Stewart King和Andrew Pepper. Routledge, 2020. 219-226.

《自由主义小说:暴力与80年代文学中的自由市场激进主义.” 转型中的美国文学:1980-1990. Ed. Quentin Miller. Cambridge University Press, 2018. 270-283.

“想象事物的记忆:城市发展与记忆的虚构”.” American Literary History. 28.1, 2016. 210-222.

《发现唐人街:纽约、犯罪小说和城市不可思议性的政治》.” 空间-社区-表达: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A. Ed. Julia Sattler. Transcript-Verlag Press, 2015. 7-30.

《易胜博娱乐》.” 文本的违法者:阅读21世纪的约翰·雷奇. Ed. Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez和Beth Hernandez-Jason. Universidad de Alcalá, 2015. 23-42.

理查德·普莱斯的《易胜博》.” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies. 1.2, 2014. 235-254.

“Don DeLillo.” 《易胜博》. Ed. Timothy Parrish. 剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2013. 290-300.

《易胜博娱乐》的曲折逻辑.” The Journal of Popular Culture. 45.1, 2012. 56-78.

“Fitzgerald’s Depression.” Berfrois. September  2012.。

《美国精神病:新自由主义幻想和市区的消亡.” Arizona Quarterly. 67.1, 2011. 136-160.

堕落的欲望都市:朱娜·巴恩斯的都市黑社会.” Twentieth-Century Literature. 55.3, 2009. 287-321.

“哈莱姆正在燃烧:切斯特·海姆斯的《拿手枪的盲人》中的城市骚乱和‘底层黑人’。.” African American Review. 41.3, 2007. 487-506.

“像当地人一样简单”:达希尔·哈米特的《易胜博》中具有传染性的城市空间和现代力量.” Modern Fiction Studies. 51.3, 2005. 485-512.

“一个粗糙和耸人听闻的愿景”:亨利·詹姆斯在纽约市种族黑社会的冒险.” 文学、媒介与社会中的城市形象. Ed. Will Wright and Stephen Kaplan. 博尔德:科罗拉多州立大学,2003. 141-148.

《种族、写作与道德:拉尔夫·埃里森作品中的文化对话.” BioCritiques: Ralph Ellison. 费城:切尔西出版社,2003. 51-76.

F小说中理想的“无目的光辉”. Scott Fitzgerald.” BioCritiques: F. Scott Fitzgerald. 费城:切尔西出版社,2002. 47-66.

Horror Vacui: Poems Image

Creative Writing in Journals

“My Beautiful City.” 布鲁克林铁路:艺术、政治和文化的批判视角. March 2021. 7-11.

 “Ghost Money.” Chicago Review. 63.3-4, 2020. 148-154.
“Excerpt from Night Blooms.” Tampa Review Online. 8 Nov. 2019.

“from The Disquieting Muses.” Berfrois. Ed. Russell Bennetts. 伦敦:Pendant出版社,2015年3月10日. 4600 words.

“from Moth.” Berfrois. Ed. Russell Bennetts. London: Pendant Publishing. July 16, 2013. 2600 words.

“from Moth.” 墨西哥湾沿岸:文学与美术杂志. 25.1 (Fall 2012). 124-127.

“from Moth.” The Missouri Review. Vol. 34, No. 4 (Winter 2011). 171-179.

“from Moth”(原为“from The Journal of X”). Columbia Poetry Review. No. 22, 2009. 46-50.

“from Moth”(原为“from The Journal of X”). Another Chicago Magazine. No. 48.2, 2009. 53-56.

“from Moth”(原为“from The Journal of X”). The Modern Review. Vol. 3.1, 2007. 27-35.

“Examination.” The Laurel Review. Vol. 41.2, 2007. 50-51.

“from Moth”(原为“from The Journal of X”). 哥伦比亚:文学与艺术杂志. Issue 44, 2007. 33-40.

“from Moth”(原为“from The Journal of X”). The Canary. No. 6, 2007. 42-47.

“这些新的日子[《昨晚》]”和“这些新的日子[《易胜博》]”.” Conduit. No. 17, Fall 2006. 16-17.

“Corrections.” Verse. Vol. 22.1, 2005. 121.

“Horror Vacui.” 墨西哥湾沿岸:文学与美术杂志. Vol. 17.1, 2005. 12-15.

“Examination [2]” and “Rosary.” Slope. No. 21, Winter 2004 05.

"释放"和"红巨星,白矮星.” 墨西哥湾沿岸:文学与美术杂志. Vol. 16.2, 2004. 237-241.

《易胜博》和《幻想的终结.” Forklift, Ohio. No. 13, 2004.

“My Pieta” and “Terra Incognita.” The Journal. Spring 2003. 166-169.

“Plan B.” Ploughshares. Vol. 28.4, 2002-03. 70.

《残骸》、《易胜博》和《易胜博娱乐》.” The Cream City Review. Vol. 26.2, 2002.

"身体的伽扎勒"和"想象的疗养院.” Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review. Spring/Summer 2002. 47-50.

“The Remainder.” 哥伦比亚:文学与艺术杂志. Issue 34, Winter 2001. 25.

“Obituary [first draft],” “Obituary [revised],” “First Order of Appearances,和《易胜博娱乐》.” Indiana Review. No. 23.1, Spring 2001. 84-90.

“The End of Travel.” Southern Humanities Review. Vol. 34, Fall 2000. 328-329.

《易胜博》和《婚外情.” Washington Square. Issue 5, Summer 1999. 15-20.

《Ghazal:惯性》和《El Dia de los Muertos.” Hayden’s Ferry Review. Issue 20, Spring / Summer 1997. 8-10.

Creative Writing in Anthologies

The Brooklyn Poets Anthology. “New York City.” Ed. Jason Koo and Joe Pan. 布鲁克林,纽约:布鲁克林艺术出版社,2017. 138-139.

合法的危险:新世纪的美国诗人. 《僵尸》、《易胜博娱乐》和《易胜博》.” Ed.. Michael Dumanis and Cate Marvin. 路易斯维尔,肯塔基州:萨拉班德图书,2006年.163-166.

Ph.D., English, New York University.



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